Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Kind Of Obstacle Is It?

This article was from ManifestYourPotential.com.

I like this one so much. It was very useful and help me grow my understanding and my knowledge about obstacles that commonly come to my life, so when it comes again, I can solve it better. Hopefully.

Do you know the difference between a challenge, a check, a block, a damper and a hurdle? Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes – and identifying the kind of obstacle you face helps so you learn how to deal with it.

Below is a quick list of the different types of obstacles you may face in life, along with what they are prompting you to do to overcome them.

  • Bars
    ... help you stretch and become more flexible, just like the way a dancer uses a barre.

  • Blocks
    ... make it necessary to reposition yourself for a new start, in the same way that runners use blocks before they start a race.

  • Challenges
    ... help you grow your knowledge, skills, experience and resources.

  • Checks
    ... make you to rethink your options and actions, in the same way a check in the game of Chess does.

  • Dampers
    ... help you slow down and cool off, just like a fireplace damper.

  • Hurdles
    ... require you to gain momentum so you can leap over them.

  • Impassable Obstacles
    ... force you to find another way around them.

  • Impediments
    ... help you slow down and exercise caution in choosing your next steps.

  • Knots
    ... make you slow down, look carefully at the way things are connected, and then work patiently to loosen or cut through the binds within yourself or your environment.

  • Turnstiles
    ... make you bid your time till things change.

  • Vices
    ... put the pressure on and test whether we are strong enough to handle the consequences.

  • Walls
    ... make you look around for a ladder or a over hanging tree. Or they can inspire you to build an earthen ramp so everyone can climb over them.

Knowing the nature of what is holding you back and the means by which it does that -- is critical to choosing the right strategy to deal with it.

Ten Purposes of Life

Well, I found this from LightisReal.com.
And I feel it'd be useful for anyone who keep asking the same question with me, 'What's the purpose of our life?'

Here they are...

The Purpose of Life is to :

1. Share Your Love. Truly pursue this purpose in life with passion, and
all the others will follow naturally! Love everyone, and start with those
closest to you.

2. Give to Others. You can make a difference in the world! Choose to
serve and give in small ways right now. One purpose of life is to serve

3. Increase in Light. Your spirit and body can actually hold light.
Learn to flow with light, bringing it into your life and letting it flow out
to others. Increase your light bearing capacity by following the truth
you know.

4. Learn Wisdom. Pursue wisdom not as your final purpose, but for the
love of Wisdom and also to better serve others with increased talents.

Read the best books and learn all you can. Truth is eternal, and you can
take it with you!

5. Accept Yourself. Love who you are. Your birth, body, parents,
strengths, weaknesses and nationality all have a purpose. Accept your
purpose and your talents. Feel your emotions and allow them to flow.

6. Enjoy the Mystery. Wonder at the beauty and richness of life,
without trying to figure it all out. See the world in childlike simplicity
and joy.

7. Create Your Reality. In this sphere, you choose with your thoughts
what to create. Be bold in life, and decide what you really want. Move
toward all your dreams with a powerful vision! You can learn to
consciously create your life.

8. Follow the Spirit. Trust your inner voice that leads you and prompts
you into the higher paths. Learning to follow this Holy Spirit is one of
the purposes of life. As you listen to the spirit, you will achieve
greater inspiration for all your daily activities.

9. Revel in the Present. Find joy, focus, and engagement in every
present activity. Your point of personal power is the present moment.
You can only act in the present. As you live in the now, you conquer the
illusion of time and begin to live in Holographic Time.

10. Experience Joy. The ultimate purpose of this life is joy and
happiness. We maximize our joy by pursuing it indirectly. Simply
pursue the first nine purposes of life and the tenth (Joy) will flow
magnetically to you!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bad Mood

Sebenernya hari ini pengen nulis banyak, tapi mood agak nggak kompromi.
Kenapa ya, bawaannya mo maraaah mulu. Kalo gak, sediiih mulu.

Tadi abis baca buku yang menginspirasi, sih, dan sempet corat-coret di jurnalku. Tapi aduh, entah kenapa, pikiran kayaknya buntu banget buat nulis di sini.

Yah, mungkin di lain waktu..

Malem ini aku mo main sama Hugo dulu biar pikiran sedikit jernih.
(Hugo adalah anjing kecilku yang lincah dan cute!)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Jadi Pengin Kawin Lagi . . .

Kemarin dateng ke pesta pernikahan seorang teman. Mungkin karena kebawa musiknya yang asyik, makanannya yang lumayan enak (maklum waktu dateng perut lagi lapeeer banget karena belum makan seharian!) dan penerangan yang temaram, jadi inget lagi waktu kami menikah dulu, hiks..

Bukan apa sih, tapi yang kebayang dari pesta pernikahanku adalah karena diadakan di atas kolam renang (outdoor), dan hari-hari itu hujan lagi deras-derasnya turun. Malahan malem sebelum acara sempet hujan deraaaas banget sampe kami gak bisa latian jalan, dan dekor yang diawasi langsung oleh my hubby jadi gak selese2, karena balapan sama hujan.

Beberapa hari sebelum hari H, beberapa kerabat sempat menasehati 'Lempar celana dalem aja ke atas genteng, pasti gak jadi ujan deh!', ada juga yang suruh pasang sapu dipasang terbalik, terus di atasnya dicucukin cabe. Yee, memangnya hujan takut sama cabe ato celana dalem?

Bahkan waktu acara temon (ketemuan/ mempelai pria menjemput mempelai wanita), sempet hujan lumayan gede, sih. Sampe-sampe my hubby bolak-balik nelpon panitia untuk ngecek keadaan. Kalo memang hujan gak bisa kompromi ya kami berencana mo pindahin semua set panggung yang bener-bener gak bisa kepake kalo hujan. Bayangin aja, mulai dari lighting, panggung pemberkatan lengkap dengan dekornya, meja prasmanan, peralatan fotografi, videografi dll kan gak bisa kepake lagi...

Tapi Tuhan memang baik. Walaupun gak pake acara ngelempar celana dalem, sapu kebalik atau cabe dan jampi-jampi, pas beberapa menit (kira-kira kurang dari satu jam) sebelum acara mulai, hujan berhenti. Acara pun jadi diadakan dengan berhasil, penuh khidmat dan mengesankan (ini sih kata dari kebanyakan tamu undangan). Nggak GR..

Hujan turun lagi kira-kira jam 9 malam. Itu pun karena tamunya gak pulang-pulang. Kata salah satu Panitia, 'Ni hujan kayaknya punya maksud. Tadi sore biar udara jadi adem. Malem ini biar tamunya pada cepet pulang'. Hihihi. Bener juga. Tadi sore turun hujan biar kita agak deg-degan dikit. Malem turun hujan lagi biar agak santai dan nggak kemaleman....

Yang anehnya, banyak tamu dari luar kota bilang bahwa dalam perjalanan mereka ke tempat resepsi, kira-kira radius 1-1,5 km dari selatan, barat dan timur tempat resepsi (sebelah utaranya laut, soalnya, jadi gak ada yang dateng dari utara) itu hujan gedee banget!

Pernah ngerasain gitu gak sih? Dibuat deg-degan dulu sebelum ketemu hal yang baik dan sempurna pada waktunya? Jadi inget sebuah artikel yang pernah dimuat di Tabloid Aura yang kutempel di jurnalku..

Mungkin Tuhan ingin kita bertemu dengan orang yang jahat sebelum kita bertemu dengan orang yang baik sehingga ketika bertemu dengan orang yang benar, kita bisa bersyukur atas anugerah itu.

Mungkin Anda punya cukup banyak kebahagiaan untuk membuat Anda manis,
cukup cobaan untuk membuat Anda kuat,
cukup penderitaan untuk membuat Anda manusiawi,
dan cukup harapan untuk membuat Anda bahagia.

Kadang memang kita perlu ketemu dulu sama banyak hal yang menyakitkan, bikin kita deg-degan dan gak bisa memprediksi apa pun yang ada di depan kita. Tapi aku sendiri percaya bahwa Tuhan suka membuat kejutan. Dan dengan senang hati Ia akan melakukan apapun untuk melihat kita menyambut setiap berkatNya dengan senyum bahagia dan hati yang penuh syukur. Coba kalo kita jaya terus, bahagia terus, sukses terus dan nggak pernah gagal atau nggak mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan, wooo... bakal gede kepala deh! Tapi hal-hal yang meleset, susah diprediksi dan halangan-halangan kecil biasanya datang untuk memberitahu kita agar kita tidak jadi sombong dan memuji diri karena esok hari, karena kita tak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang...

Tapi psst, waktu aku bisikin ke sohib yang duduk di sebelahku di acara kawinan yang tadi kuceritain, 'Aduh, kalo suasananya asyik gini, jadi pengin ngulang acara kawin lagi...', tau apa jawabnya?
'Iya, aku juga'.
Haah? Apa maksudnya?
Aku lupa, ternyata dia juga jadi bridesmaidku waktu itu. Dan dia memang didandani cantik sekali. Pantesan pengen ngulang hari itu.
Ada-ada aja..

set panggung tampak belakang
(dekornya ide orisinil aku & suamiku, loh...)

kolam renang sebelum didekor

kolam renang sesudah didekor
sebelum acara mulai
(dengan langit agak mendung)

My bridesmaids
Aren't they beautiful?

Me & My Fur Family

Just want to show off this cute stuff of my digital scrapbook site..

We all looked so nice, didn't we?
What do you say?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Having Baby Or Not Having Baby, That Is The Question

our wedding kiss, June 05, 07

Well, it had been 7 months passed after our wedding. As usual (I believe every newly married couple must be getting this question!), many people ask me since then 'Have you already got pregnant?'. Yeah, 'till I am bored.

For some people, having baby probably is a pleasure. They always told me that it's much more happiness in having baby than one could ever imagined.

But, well, I haven't loved babies yet..

I still have many 'schedules' to be done, and dreams to be reached. I'm just afraid that having baby will mess up my aims.

But, who knows?
The journey is still long and away.

Sometimes, the road best traveled is the road we could never imagined.

Yeah, We (me and my hubby) haven't no idea yet about which road is 'the road best traveled', whether having baby or not for now, because next year I'll be 30 and my doctor told me to get pregnant immediately considering to my age.

But I ain't ready yet..

What do you think?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finally, I Know For Sure That I Am Not Alone

Ever been trapped in a dilemma?
How do ya feel?
Well, there are 2 types of problems, that are problems that you can tell anyone (for whatever purpose), and problems that you can't.
Sometimes, our life seems to be bound by any rules, norms, value system, or whatever that really proved that we are still human being, we are really mankind basically. But, otherwise, we often be trapped by those circumstances.
Have you ever lived in an environment where you have to keep your name clean? Or you have to watch out your temper, for instance, or do anything that prove that you are a good person, so you should keep your attitude perfect? Have you ever lived that kind of life meanwhile you were facing a huge problems that you can't bear alone? You want everyone to understand yourself and take that circumstance for granted, but otherwise, the people around you demand the opposite, that you have to do something, you should take a responsibility for something, until you almost out of your mind. You just want a little compromising, or sympathetic words, big hugs or sort of, but nobody's there beside you..
What would you do?

Yeah, sometimes, life could be hectic, rude, cold, cruel, brutal, and unkind for some of us..
Or, may it only be because we aren't strong enough yet? Because we aren't grown up yet? We still need compassion, guidance, and any suggestion in living our life. We need some clues hopefully could bring us to the destination we head for.
Oh my goodness..

This afternoon, a friend of mine told me that there were some moments God allows us to face many problems. Some just simple things and some are really, really huge, seems we could bear it ourselves! Why? Because He wants to show us that we are really weak. We are nothing before Him. And He is strong, so we should be counting our selves on Him, and He, who knows anything will show up His mighty power through our weak circumstance, and make everything perfect in His time.
Is it real?
Oh, please..

To be frank, it such a big comfort for me.
When I am weak, God is strong. And when I'm in my hardest time, He'll show up as The Mighty One, because He is The Almighty God!

I know my problem is big enough. I want to talk to someone but there's nobody there. I tried and tried and tried but found none, so finally I decided to cast all my cares upon Him, because I know for sure, that God is always beside me, He's always there for me, and He'll never leave me alone.
Whenever I'm weak or unable to bear all along, He'll reach out my hands and upraise me.
Yes, He will.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Life is Such As A journey

Life is such as a journey.

We have to walk through this journey and head for a certain destination. Many things we've got to encounter in this journey. Some things are easy and some are pretty hard. Many things have just been unpredictable to us. We can't annoying it and keep walking instead, no. We must be put our focus on everything happens in our very own journey.

Well, we are heading for a certain purpose. Sometimes we know it pretty well, but there were times we were lost. Couldn't find the clue the universe has provided. Well, especially in receiving God's blessing. We like to think that everything will be going all right. That everything is okay. That we don't need to do something to gain it. It would be blessed for us freely, we guess. Even we use to take it for granted, don't we?

After all, we have to do something in our journey. We can't just take a sit, shut down and wait for something great. Nothing's gonna be happening then. We have to rise up, stand up and move, doing something good for our life. We don't want to be such as common people, do we? We don't want to live a common life. Each of us do want to be having an especially fabulous wonderful life.... or that sort of thing! (Don't we???)

And to reach that purpose, there's no other way but paying the price. No matter how much it costs, we still have to pay it. We shouldn't loose any chance to gain a better level in our life. And the chances often comes hard. Uneasy. Painful. Through all the difficulties. Need a profound contemplation. Apparently it seems so hard to be reached, too far away to be approached, too high to be climbed, too heavy to be burdened. But, it wouldn't change the fact we have to face. Anyway, we still need to pay the price. We have to pay the price for everything we do as well as for anything we don't. Ough, seems unfair..

So, instead of take a sit, let's take a move. Let's do something good in this short life!
Besides, we do need to face the feeling hurt. To face the irritating thing. To be painful may be the best way we have to walk through. But it's okay. Keep walking. Don't ever stop or terminate your journey. It'd be useful for your spiritual growth, it'd be strengthening your bones, your nerves and particular muscle in your spiritual body. You'll get immune by then! Faint and disappointments apparently have been becoming a particular way for God's children in living their life so far..

And, if we didn't want to take the responsibility, we'll never get any reward nor blessing from the heaven above. We wouldn't get anything either from this life. Maybe, He created us for such a time like this.. Don't care about what people say. They might be wrong. They might be rude or whatever the problem they were facing. But for us, we have to keep faithful. Keep walking. Keep struggling. And don't be surrendered. We have the power we need to make this war inside already .

So, face it. Face up to your challenges. Face up to your problem. Face up to your giants. Scratch it's face and let's shout 'We'll face you and we'll win this game'. We'll get arrived safe and secure at the point we are heading for someday.

If we keep walking.
Don't ever be surrender but trust in The Lord and cast all your cares upon Him.

Let's make our journey forward...

My Prayer (Again)


Ajari aku mengasihi tiap orang sebagaimana diri mereka adanya, bukan seperti yang kuinginkan,
karena bagaimanapun aku tahu bahwa Engkaulah yang menaruh mereka di dalam jalanKu.
Kadang aku nggak mampu, kadang bete, kadang sebeeeel liat orang-orang yang nggak sepaham denganku.

Tapi masalahnya adalah, bagaimanapun, mereka adalah ciptaanMu, sama seperti aku juga, yang penuh dengan kekurangan dan belum sempurna.

Seperti Engkau mengasihi mereka semua, ajari aku untuk mengasihi tiap orang dan menerima diri mereka apa adanya tanpa tuntutan-tuntutan yang terlalu tinggi, yang aku tahu hanya akan berakhir dengan kekecewaan.

Terima kasih sudah menjadi Allahku, yang mengasihi dan menerimaku apa adanya, menaruh sentuhan pribadiMu yang unik dalam diriku, bahkan memberikan segala yang terbaik dalam hidupku. Tanpa Engkau aku pun bukan siapa-siapa.

Jangan biarkan segala kekecewaan dari masa lalu menawanku lagi, Tuhan. Aku mau melepaskan segala yang ada di belakangku dan memandang pada hari depan yang cerah yang telah Kau sediakan bagiku, karena aku tahu pasti, janjiMu ya dan amen.

Kiranya Engkau berkenan memakai hidupku jadi saluran berkatMu yang besar, sama seperti Engkau telah menjadikanku karya besarMu.

Jadilah kehendakMu.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

I've Decided

I've decided . . .
to respect other people such as I do to myself
to search goodness and not fault from others
to feel secure about myself so I wouldn't feel bad to anyone else if they do something better than me
to do anything I should do in my life
to make not excuses
to emphasize my values on love, integrity, charity, and every such a right thing!
to be an example of goodness (as well as possible!)
to serve rather than pursuing something unreal out there
to build my dream and realize it as well as God has given it in my deepest soul
to see the beauty of life
to be grateful all the time
to love anyone who's worth it
to catch goodness in all of the bad stuff I encounter
to be faithful to the path I should stick to/do belong to
to do the best I can
to make happiness for my environment
to love God and His Words
to give likewise to get
to forgive instead of blaming
to make this world better
to make difference
I have decided.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dear Almighty God

Dear Almighty God,

Thank You for Your guidance through my ongoing process in life. Without You I'll be lost anywhere.

Lord, please teach me to always be thankful for all You've done in me. Many things happen. Good and bad. Easy and hard. Happy and sad. Awesome and disappointing. But I believe, behind all of those, You are there, and always be there for me. Your hands are working to make a goodness for me.

I've desired to be closer and closer to You but unfortunately I couldn't.. I did many distractions before You, even there were times I didn't trust You seriously, I walked away from You, I did many trespass before You.

What a sinner I was!

But, why Lord, You always be there for me?

Your love and Your faithfulness are always be with me, protect me, remind me about Your eternal salvation. Wherever I flee from You, You'd search and find me. Over and over again. How I awe You, Lord. I do owe You much!

Oh, my heart is longing for You, Lord. Bless me, encourage me, fill out my thirsty with Your water of life. I need Your help. I'm really devastating, empty, nothing.... But I know for sure You are able to turn my situation for good.

Let Thy will be done.


Just A Prayer

My Dear Lord,

Burn me with the fire of Your love. May Your fire warm my soul.

Don't let me die in this cold, cold world.

Lord, I'm really never knew what would be Your design for my future, but why do I feel that it would be so amazing ones?

Oh my Great Lord, I am really unworth to stand here, asking You that question..

Your greatness rule over the sky, over the sun, moon and all of the stars. But, why, Lord, You take me so precious? Who the hell I am!

For I am as grass, and the glory of me as the flower of grass.

My life is as shadow, as a blooming flower, with no long life in it.

For what is my life?

It's even a vapour, that appeared for a little time, and then vanished away

Who am I, that You are mindful of me?

Who am I that You visit me anytime You want to?

Nothing should I proud of before You, Lord, nothing I do has really pleased You actually, but You still do look at me, abundant me with Your love and mercy, support me, accomplish Your great work in me, and hide me behind Your cross.

Please, Lord, hold me tight, take me into Your embrace, grasp me.

how I love Thee, my strength.

Be Thou exalted, o God, above the heavens, let Thy glory be above all the earth..



If the cheerfulness of childhood has gone

If the glorious of youth has broken

And if the spirit of boldness has been vanished away

Only you and your situation remain

What would you do?

If the people surround you

Who've always been supporting for years be gone

If your situation seems to be worse

If you have nothing to do anymore

Only your soul remain

What would you do?

If there's nobody out there

If there wouldn't be any help

If there's no spirit even more

Only you and you alone left

What would you do?

If the spirit crashes

If your heart be broken

If your vision has to be faded away

Everything seems to be blurred.

Dark. Empty. Zero. Nothing.

What would you do?

What should you do?

I Have Decided

(An Answer for A Note To The Self)


I have decided to do something

New and better. Wiser. Useful. Important.

I don't want to waste my life

As long as I have time for me to live,

I'll live a worth living life

I'd rather do something hurt myself but useful, than just nice but nothing

I know it's not easy

Even, it could be so hard.

Is it really a good choice?

Probably no, but wise one.

I won't that someday I'd be woke up and realized that I definitely have done nothing.

I want to add something good to the world.

By accumulating it little by little,

One step at a time.

May be just doing a simple thing

One doesn't care

But it doesn't really matter.

My focus is not about what people say.

Whether they'll be pleased or not, it's not of my business at all!

As long as I do anything good.

Why should be afraid of something that haven't realized yet?

I'll look at my future boldly, with determined soul

And challenge myself to do it by myself

With The Lord who'll always be strengthening me

I have decided.

It Is The Time

(A Note To The Self)

It is the time to start over something new

It is the time to stand up

To arise and shine

It is the time to move

To make a difference

It is the time to do something indeed

Something useful and important

It is the time to find the path

The journey we have to pass through

It is the time to challenge yourself

It is the time not to wait for any longer

And see whether there'd be somebody out there

More in experience, more in wisdom (should be!)

That older, wiser and smarter enough

Cause there'd be nobody!

Only you and the situation remain

What shall you do?

If there's nobody to be count on

Nobody to be asked for

Nobody to be blamed

Or nobody to be helpful

Only you alone

Is it the time to be just quiet

And shut down yourself?

Is it the right time for it?

Or is it the time to make mistake


what is life supposed to be

That was not our will to be born. Was not our will also to be exist on this earth. But, our life is supposed to be something. How come? I don't understand. Sometimes I do walk and walk and walk, but have just found anything about the meaning of my life. My vision was faded. Blur. Almost dark. Like being in a dark night with no moon and the stars in the sky above. There's no sign. No warning. No description that could explain us to be such a something, or any clue that point to where would our journey has to head for. No, nothing at all.
Yeah, one say, just wait for The Lord's will; but how it supposed to? Do the world has too many signs to be watched for, don't it?
Many things have made me confused along this way. Can't think anymore. My mind is messy. Chaos. Have nothing inside.
Well, back to the question, what is our life supposed to be? Can't you please answer my question? How could we then becoming a pattern for one without nobody to give us some? No, I can't stand that way. I can't. I'm unable. I'm so weak. Even have no power to think at all. I'm out of my mind. Can't control what would to act, what should my behavior to becoming, Even, I would haven't known who I used to be eventually.
Oh my goodness.. I'm devastating. Desperate. Distress.
Lord, in my circumstance, please, do incline Your ear upon my prayer. I beg to You. Don't throw me away. I'm scared. I'm just afraid to be so far from You but also too embarrassed to be closer.
I'm a sinner.
I'm none.
Oh, I don't know what to do, Lord.
Can hardly wait to know what's my life supposed to be...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

My Prayer

Lord, I don't want to skip anything in my life

Whether it good or bad, nice or hurt, I won't pass anything.

If those bad things do come from You, I'll face it.

If You send me the disappointment stuff, or griefs, or yeah, You know, all of bad thingds to be encountered, I'll also face it, too.

If it would build me up, if it would strengthen me, lighten me, or show me more of Thy pathway, why not?

I'll face it as You want to.

I'll be not affraid nor be worry

For I know You'll always be with me.

Guide me, Lord, bless me, take my hands, encourage me, love me, accept me just the way I am, even plan me the best design for my future.

I know that such a best plan awaits me next if I do walk with Thee.

So Lord, please, take the lead

Through this journey You direct me to

I'll be secure in Your hands..


If the hardship was a certain situation

You have to encounter

By permission of your God

So you have to face it up

Don't be back off

Neither take the turning move

You won't be arrived anywhere

No matter how noble was

The destination you had been heading to

If the hardship was a certain situation

For 'the one and only one'

You alone have to struggle

None stays for you

So you have to keep fighting

For none could ever attained glory

Without persistance in struggling

It's a certain war you deserve

It's a struggle you're worth it

That 'll bring you out into the destination

You'd been destined to

What've you been searching for?

All of those are gathering up there

Await you right now

So make your war

For every single day of your life counts

To encloser you to reach those all up

Keep straight forward!