Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Day 5
Feel so blessed, healthy, happy and grateful today. Feel like I've found my life purpose back. Refreshed. Renewed. Re-energized. Thank God.
I know something good is happening. I don't know what's that. I just feel it. And I know it's true. As true as bright sunlight in the morning.. :)
I just learned something about risk taking. I figured out that everyone received the blessings in The Bible were risk-takers. So many of great peoples are risk takers, too. They picked risky path God took them instead of remained in their comfort zones, and they really worth the rewards.
I believe every risky actions we take will worth doing. Once we give in our lives into something risky God lead us to, we'll get the great adventures. God will never leave us or forsake us. All that we need is just our obedience. I like Oswald Chamber's statement 'All God’s revelations are sealed to us until they are opened to us by obedience. You will never get them open by philosophy or thinking. Immediately you obey, a flash of light comes'. This is true. We can't leap into another level of our faith till we obey Him in one small thing He asks us to doing..
We often ask God to give us clues or clear directions in our journeys with Him. We forget that going without seeing any clue is a true evidence of faith. Like Abraham which Bible says 'By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going..' (Heb 11:8). We may have no idea about how our journeys will end up, but all we need to do is just obeying God for whatever He tells us to do.
Started from Noah, Abraham, Joseph, David, and till now, us, as Christ followers, we are demanded to be risk takers in following and serving our Lord. I think, the most 'risky' action we can take is to give Him the control of our lives. Yes, indeed we like to enjoy staying in our comfort zones, taking all the control of our lives, but we know the risk takers will jump right into the places God takes them..
Where is God leading you to? Is He leading you along a path of obedience? Would you dare to take the risks although unexpected things may happen?
People always says that journey with Jesus is and will always be an amazing adventure. But I don't believe what people says. I want this to be true in my life, so I can experience it by myself..
Let's have a wonderful adventures then! :)
I know something good is happening. I don't know what's that. I just feel it. And I know it's true. As true as bright sunlight in the morning.. :)
I just learned something about risk taking. I figured out that everyone received the blessings in The Bible were risk-takers. So many of great peoples are risk takers, too. They picked risky path God took them instead of remained in their comfort zones, and they really worth the rewards.
I believe every risky actions we take will worth doing. Once we give in our lives into something risky God lead us to, we'll get the great adventures. God will never leave us or forsake us. All that we need is just our obedience. I like Oswald Chamber's statement 'All God’s revelations are sealed to us until they are opened to us by obedience. You will never get them open by philosophy or thinking. Immediately you obey, a flash of light comes'. This is true. We can't leap into another level of our faith till we obey Him in one small thing He asks us to doing..
We often ask God to give us clues or clear directions in our journeys with Him. We forget that going without seeing any clue is a true evidence of faith. Like Abraham which Bible says 'By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going..' (Heb 11:8). We may have no idea about how our journeys will end up, but all we need to do is just obeying God for whatever He tells us to do.
Started from Noah, Abraham, Joseph, David, and till now, us, as Christ followers, we are demanded to be risk takers in following and serving our Lord. I think, the most 'risky' action we can take is to give Him the control of our lives. Yes, indeed we like to enjoy staying in our comfort zones, taking all the control of our lives, but we know the risk takers will jump right into the places God takes them..
Where is God leading you to? Is He leading you along a path of obedience? Would you dare to take the risks although unexpected things may happen?
People always says that journey with Jesus is and will always be an amazing adventure. But I don't believe what people says. I want this to be true in my life, so I can experience it by myself..
Let's have a wonderful adventures then! :)
Day 4 -- FAITH
I was reading Mark 7:24-29 this morning, a chapter told about the faith of a Syrophoenician woman, when I felt that I read something I usually ignore..
24Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre.[a] He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret.
25In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an evil[b] spirit came and fell at his feet.
26The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.
27"First let the children eat all they want," he told her, "for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."
28"Yes, Lord," she replied, "but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."
29Then he told her, "For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter."
Mark 7:24-29, NIV
1. Mark 7:24 Many early manuscripts Tyre and Sidon
2. Mark 7:25 Greek unclean
I found something that surprised me on v. 29 'For such a reply, you may go..'.
Not Jesus' power that saved this woman's daughter, but her answer of faith did. I figured out that our faith guide our life. Miracles will only happen as long as we believe. Actually, Jesus' answer wasn't nice to hear, but this woman kept begging Him, and her faith did save her daughter.
Although God is powerful, we can limit Him by our unbelief. Jesus can't work to those who are unbelieving. Sometimes, I consider myself an unbelieving believer. In many situations, I do limit God by my unbelief. I count on myself and hope that all is well, and.. tada! I got nothing!!!I apparently have to tell myself continually that without faith, it is impossible to please Him (Heb 11:6).
O God, I do believe, save me, help me overcome my unbelief..
24Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre.[a] He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret.
25In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an evil[b] spirit came and fell at his feet.
26The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.
27"First let the children eat all they want," he told her, "for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs."
28"Yes, Lord," she replied, "but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."
29Then he told her, "For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter."
Mark 7:24-29, NIV
1. Mark 7:24 Many early manuscripts Tyre and Sidon
2. Mark 7:25 Greek unclean
I found something that surprised me on v. 29 'For such a reply, you may go..'.
Not Jesus' power that saved this woman's daughter, but her answer of faith did. I figured out that our faith guide our life. Miracles will only happen as long as we believe. Actually, Jesus' answer wasn't nice to hear, but this woman kept begging Him, and her faith did save her daughter.
Although God is powerful, we can limit Him by our unbelief. Jesus can't work to those who are unbelieving. Sometimes, I consider myself an unbelieving believer. In many situations, I do limit God by my unbelief. I count on myself and hope that all is well, and.. tada! I got nothing!!!I apparently have to tell myself continually that without faith, it is impossible to please Him (Heb 11:6).
O God, I do believe, save me, help me overcome my unbelief..
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Day 3
I love them that love me;
and those that seek me early shall find me..
Proverbs 8:17
All I need is that God of Wisdom and Understanding will grant me His wisdom and understanding I need to follow His pathways ..
Love You, Lord..
Day 2
My body was adjusting. I got headache yesterday so couldn't post anything to this blog (and my other blogs!).
To be honest, this journey isn't as easy as what I've ever imagined. I thought about Daniel when he was fasting.. How hard to do this actually, but he succeeded. And I keep trying to do this. All I need to do is just focus to my purpose.. :).
To be honest, this journey isn't as easy as what I've ever imagined. I thought about Daniel when he was fasting.. How hard to do this actually, but he succeeded. And I keep trying to do this. All I need to do is just focus to my purpose.. :).
All my longings lie open before you, O Lord;
my sighing is not hidden from you..
Psalms 38:9
Monday, July 06, 2009
Day 1 -- Got A Soft Reminder!!!
Today has been in good mood. Everything seems to be okay. Hopefully it will last forever, at least till I finish this 'journey'.
My reading was taken from Proverbs 6 this morning. I use to read 5 chapters of Psalms, 1 chapter of The Proverbs, some of The Old Testament and some of The New Testament everyday. So far, verses that resonated with me was from Proverbs 6:9-11.
Oh my.. maybe this is the first thing I need to work up in my life. Yes, I hate to admit this but it's very true. I'm a real procrastinator, like to spend my time doing something I like, not something useful. This verse has been haunting me all day long, you know! Eventually, I conclude that God is preparing me to receive His blessings. But I need to change first before I can take it from Him.
Yeah.. however, The Bible is God Himself, so I have to follow whatever He wants me to do. I'm re-evaluating my life right now, so if there's something I need to change, therefore it must be me!
I missed my french toasts and a cup of coffee, the breakfast menu we use to have here. Oh, can't believe I could do it willingly.. :)
When I watched 'The Answer' -a TV program which broadcasts Christianity programs- (it was like a coincidence -I'm not a TV lover!- but I believe that there's no coincidence in God! He has set and planned everything perfectly!), the hosts were talking about life calling that got me think. So far, I've been so confused about my life calling. Have no idea. Then the host said that to find our life calling, we can ask to ourselves, what our passions are, in which way we can bless other people, and what thing you really enjoy doing it, even though any other people say it's pretty hard to do.
Yeah, honestly, writing has been my passion. Every time I write, I sense God is smiling to me and working through me in His strongest power. I loooove to write and anytime I read my writings, I can sense something wonderful fills in my heart. I know for sure where they come from (they were granted to me from heaven!). I know my life is fulfilled then. It brings me a wonderful joy I can't explain. I always be grateful anytime people emailed me or messaged me, told me that my writings had inspired and encouraged them. You know, it has always been a joy, joy, joy, joy (once is not enough! -smile-) in my heart.
I don't know what's next. Let Him guide me through His Holy Words. Look forward to know what's in His heart for me (after the 'soft reminder' from Prov 6:9-11!)
Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening..
My reading was taken from Proverbs 6 this morning. I use to read 5 chapters of Psalms, 1 chapter of The Proverbs, some of The Old Testament and some of The New Testament everyday. So far, verses that resonated with me was from Proverbs 6:9-11.
9 How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest-
11 and poverty will come on you like a bandit
and scarcity like an armed man.
Oh my.. maybe this is the first thing I need to work up in my life. Yes, I hate to admit this but it's very true. I'm a real procrastinator, like to spend my time doing something I like, not something useful. This verse has been haunting me all day long, you know! Eventually, I conclude that God is preparing me to receive His blessings. But I need to change first before I can take it from Him.
Yeah.. however, The Bible is God Himself, so I have to follow whatever He wants me to do. I'm re-evaluating my life right now, so if there's something I need to change, therefore it must be me!
I missed my french toasts and a cup of coffee, the breakfast menu we use to have here. Oh, can't believe I could do it willingly.. :)
When I watched 'The Answer' -a TV program which broadcasts Christianity programs- (it was like a coincidence -I'm not a TV lover!- but I believe that there's no coincidence in God! He has set and planned everything perfectly!), the hosts were talking about life calling that got me think. So far, I've been so confused about my life calling. Have no idea. Then the host said that to find our life calling, we can ask to ourselves, what our passions are, in which way we can bless other people, and what thing you really enjoy doing it, even though any other people say it's pretty hard to do.
Yeah, honestly, writing has been my passion. Every time I write, I sense God is smiling to me and working through me in His strongest power. I loooove to write and anytime I read my writings, I can sense something wonderful fills in my heart. I know for sure where they come from (they were granted to me from heaven!). I know my life is fulfilled then. It brings me a wonderful joy I can't explain. I always be grateful anytime people emailed me or messaged me, told me that my writings had inspired and encouraged them. You know, it has always been a joy, joy, joy, joy (once is not enough! -smile-) in my heart.
I don't know what's next. Let Him guide me through His Holy Words. Look forward to know what's in His heart for me (after the 'soft reminder' from Prov 6:9-11!)
Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening..
God's Word,
know God's will,
spiritual journey
This was a sentence I got from Mark 5:36, a verse that resonated with me yesterday, early in the morning, when I read The Bible.
The Bible said 'As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe'.
We're surrounded by people whose speech are often not strengthening, but destroying our faith. Yeah, the sad thing is, if 'they' refers to somebody we care about, or somebody should be our role model. Therefore it will be much harder to be growing up in faith. (I can say it because I've already experienced it by myself :).
Words have always have 2 sides: to build or to destroy. And so often, we find ourselves getting weak as we heard someone said something bad to us. But thanks to The Lord that Jesus, as soon as He heard the word that was spoken, he said 'be not afraid, only believe'. This is the only words we'd like to hear in our times of adversity!
By reading this, I tried to re-evaluate my life. Have I already controlled my tongue? Oh, I use to forget that my words can bring a great impact to ones' life. Are my words encouraging and not weakening? (Not so sure..).
Oh, my.. I sensed that God was touching a sensitive place in my life. I used to be offense hearing any hurting words spoken to me, but have no idea about how my own words have been. Sometime, I give useful advice (in my point of view!) but I forget that the way I say is much more important than what I say. (I can be mean and cynical, you know...).
I also realized as Rick Warren said 'Hurt people hurt people'. In our hard times, whenever we get hurt, we'll get other people hurt by our words. And that's something very often happens to me! :) Yeah.. whenever a 'hard time' comes into our lives, we have a choice to whether we will still do God's will in it, or hold on ours..
Another point I got here is whenever I need to fuel my faith, I know where I have to run to. Not to seek ones' advice, no matter how wise theirs are, but come to Jesus, from whom all blessings (courage, strengths, faiths, hopes, all including!) flow.
The Bible said 'As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe'.
We're surrounded by people whose speech are often not strengthening, but destroying our faith. Yeah, the sad thing is, if 'they' refers to somebody we care about, or somebody should be our role model. Therefore it will be much harder to be growing up in faith. (I can say it because I've already experienced it by myself :).
Words have always have 2 sides: to build or to destroy. And so often, we find ourselves getting weak as we heard someone said something bad to us. But thanks to The Lord that Jesus, as soon as He heard the word that was spoken, he said 'be not afraid, only believe'. This is the only words we'd like to hear in our times of adversity!
By reading this, I tried to re-evaluate my life. Have I already controlled my tongue? Oh, I use to forget that my words can bring a great impact to ones' life. Are my words encouraging and not weakening? (Not so sure..).
Oh, my.. I sensed that God was touching a sensitive place in my life. I used to be offense hearing any hurting words spoken to me, but have no idea about how my own words have been. Sometime, I give useful advice (in my point of view!) but I forget that the way I say is much more important than what I say. (I can be mean and cynical, you know...).
I also realized as Rick Warren said 'Hurt people hurt people'. In our hard times, whenever we get hurt, we'll get other people hurt by our words. And that's something very often happens to me! :) Yeah.. whenever a 'hard time' comes into our lives, we have a choice to whether we will still do God's will in it, or hold on ours..
Another point I got here is whenever I need to fuel my faith, I know where I have to run to. Not to seek ones' advice, no matter how wise theirs are, but come to Jesus, from whom all blessings (courage, strengths, faiths, hopes, all including!) flow.
Bible point of view,
life lesson
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I love being in this community. Not only make friends, I can update what's in ones mind personally. (I still wonder seeing how internet can bring the world to our hands!).
I love to visit many useful websites from my Twitter friends' pages. I consider it an opportunity to widen my horizon!
If you're twittering, you can follow me if you wish.. (you can find the link on the sidebar):).
The Journey Has Begun..
Well, as I wrote, I intended to go through a spiritual journey for 21 days. It's not to be shown off, I just write here in order that I can be responsible for this decision.
Know what, I've been struggling with discipline in various areas in my life. Procrastination is my middle name. I will prefer anything comfortable than anything worth trying. So far, I found that I'll go nowhere if I just do exactly what I've been doing over and over. I have to change. I have to make progress in any areas in my life. Spiritually, physically, and any other important areas!
By doing this, I hope that I can acquire wisdom to know God's will for me. I have no idea about what God wants me to do with my life. Honestly. I'm not speaking about it generally, but personally. If God wants me to do or to be something, I supposed He should reveal it to me personally.
These are two things I will do: perform Daniel fast (if you interested, you can read the explanation about it here and here), and record my development in my journal. I've promised to blog it, but I'll keep it personal my personal thing.. :). I like Ann Voskamp's writing about journaling as a spiritual discipline. You have to check out her blog. It has useful and interesting articles on it!
My purpose to do this are : just getting closer to God, be healthier (we have to keep the spiritual and physical life balance, right?), know exactly the purpose I live on this planet, and.. be discipline in any areas in my life: exercise, prayer, journaling, writing, and build good habits. Yeahh.. without discipline, I'll get nothing!
Please pray for me. I know it won't be easy. But it's all worth trying..
Can I become a better person in just 21 days?
Let's see.. (eww, this is the biggest self challenge I've ever made!).
Know what, I've been struggling with discipline in various areas in my life. Procrastination is my middle name. I will prefer anything comfortable than anything worth trying. So far, I found that I'll go nowhere if I just do exactly what I've been doing over and over. I have to change. I have to make progress in any areas in my life. Spiritually, physically, and any other important areas!
By doing this, I hope that I can acquire wisdom to know God's will for me. I have no idea about what God wants me to do with my life. Honestly. I'm not speaking about it generally, but personally. If God wants me to do or to be something, I supposed He should reveal it to me personally.
These are two things I will do: perform Daniel fast (if you interested, you can read the explanation about it here and here), and record my development in my journal. I've promised to blog it, but I'll keep it personal my personal thing.. :). I like Ann Voskamp's writing about journaling as a spiritual discipline. You have to check out her blog. It has useful and interesting articles on it!
My purpose to do this are : just getting closer to God, be healthier (we have to keep the spiritual and physical life balance, right?), know exactly the purpose I live on this planet, and.. be discipline in any areas in my life: exercise, prayer, journaling, writing, and build good habits. Yeahh.. without discipline, I'll get nothing!
Please pray for me. I know it won't be easy. But it's all worth trying..
Can I become a better person in just 21 days?
Let's see.. (eww, this is the biggest self challenge I've ever made!).
spiritual growth
If you like to read The Bible online, I've just found a site 'Just1Word' which is really interesting and useful. Not only read The Bible, there you can also highlight your favorite verses, compare them to other versions (NIV, KJV, AMP, ESV, MSG, NLT, etc.), create your personal homepage and even customize your Bible!
The link is here.
Please check it out!
The link is here.
Please check it out!
Friday, July 03, 2009
Spiritual Journey
Inspired from a blog @, I intended to do a small spiritual experiment. Start on next Monday, I'll go through a 'spiritual journey' for 21 days forward, and I wanna blog the progress daily.
I just want to make an action in my life. I have desire to get my intimate relationship with God back. I had been paused from my spiritual activity (except the Sunday Services, you know! Can you imagine that??!!!). Oh, please, feel ashamed to talk about it here. But my point is, I have repented from by bad habits and I wanted to turn to God with all my heart. All I want is just knowing His will for my life, and do it undoubtedly.
Yeah, I know that I am weak, but I try. I wanna do something meaningful in my life. I believe that one CAN make difference in this world. I won't to wait other people do it for me, but I'll be the one. I wanna see changes in my life. I won't to be just an ordinary woman from an ordinary place or something like that. No, I know that I'm extraordinary because I have an Extraordinary God in me. It's not about me, or my talents or my other greatness - if I have some, but God's indwelling is the most important thing..
Please pray for me, encourage me, or remind me what's this all about if I start to distract.. I know that I am not strong enough for doing this all. I am weak and I need Holy Spirit to guide and bless me.
And if I succeed, I must know where the helps, the strength and the success come from..
Blessed be The Name of The Lord!
I just want to make an action in my life. I have desire to get my intimate relationship with God back. I had been paused from my spiritual activity (except the Sunday Services, you know! Can you imagine that??!!!). Oh, please, feel ashamed to talk about it here. But my point is, I have repented from by bad habits and I wanted to turn to God with all my heart. All I want is just knowing His will for my life, and do it undoubtedly.
Yeah, I know that I am weak, but I try. I wanna do something meaningful in my life. I believe that one CAN make difference in this world. I won't to wait other people do it for me, but I'll be the one. I wanna see changes in my life. I won't to be just an ordinary woman from an ordinary place or something like that. No, I know that I'm extraordinary because I have an Extraordinary God in me. It's not about me, or my talents or my other greatness - if I have some, but God's indwelling is the most important thing..
Please pray for me, encourage me, or remind me what's this all about if I start to distract.. I know that I am not strong enough for doing this all. I am weak and I need Holy Spirit to guide and bless me.
And if I succeed, I must know where the helps, the strength and the success come from..
Blessed be The Name of The Lord!
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