Feel so blessed, healthy, happy and grateful today. Feel like I've found my life purpose back. Refreshed. Renewed. Re-energized. Thank God.
I know something good is happening. I don't know what's that. I just feel it. And I know it's true. As true as bright sunlight in the morning.. :)
I just learned something about risk taking. I figured out that everyone received the blessings in The Bible were risk-takers. So many of great peoples are risk takers, too. They picked risky path God took them instead of remained in their comfort zones, and they really worth the rewards.
I believe every risky actions we take will worth doing. Once we give in our lives into something risky God lead us to, we'll get the great adventures. God will never leave us or forsake us. All that we need is just our obedience. I like Oswald Chamber's statement 'All God’s revelations are sealed to us until they are opened to us by obedience. You will never get them open by philosophy or thinking. Immediately you obey, a flash of light comes'. This is true. We can't leap into another level of our faith till we obey Him in one small thing He asks us to doing..
We often ask God to give us clues or clear directions in our journeys with Him. We forget that going without seeing any clue is a true evidence of faith. Like Abraham which Bible says 'By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going..' (Heb 11:8). We may have no idea about how our journeys will end up, but all we need to do is just obeying God for whatever He tells us to do.
Started from Noah, Abraham, Joseph, David, and till now, us, as Christ followers, we are demanded to be risk takers in following and serving our Lord. I think, the most 'risky' action we can take is to give Him the control of our lives. Yes, indeed we like to enjoy staying in our comfort zones, taking all the control of our lives, but we know the risk takers will jump right into the places God takes them..
Where is God leading you to? Is He leading you along a path of obedience? Would you dare to take the risks although unexpected things may happen?
People always says that journey with Jesus is and will always be an amazing adventure. But I don't believe what people says. I want this to be true in my life, so I can experience it by myself..
Let's have a wonderful adventures then! :)
1 comment:
Stopping by for BYBS. God is dealing with me about my son. I am just hoping for the best. Have a good week.
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