This is a devotional from Anchor Your Life, which had greatly blessed me this evening..
"You shall have no other gods before me." (NIV) Exodus 20:3
The first commandment is pretty easy to understand. There can only be one God, one true God the all knowing, all powerful, all present, creator of the earth. Doesn't it seem ridiculous when we think we can actually be God? If the truth be told, many of us spend the better part of our lives trying to be God instead of just letting God be God. We manipulate, we question, we judge and we try to control people and events in an effort to make things happen our way...or at least making things happen the way we think it should.
When have you tried to manipulate a situation so that the outcome is what you desire? How do you try to control people or events so that the life goes the way you want it to go? How are you attempting to be the god of your life?
Say the first commandment as a prayer and let God be God.
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