Thursday, May 08, 2008

God's Pattern

God only knows how to handle me.

When I've almost been fallen, He came through to me.

If He hold over a little while longer for helping me, have no idea what would my life have been becoming.

Sometime I think that God works slowly within my life. Yeah, probably because I myself am an adagio person. I don't like to be in hurry. Even, I often be late. So, maybe God doesn't need to be hurry also for me. He knows me well and He does His mighty works for me according to my personality :).

I just believe one thing, that if God seems to hold over His promises for us, it might not be the same as what you could ever think. Why? Because there might be miracles being arranged in His mind.

I always think about Abraham when it comes to be patient in waiting. If Abraham got Isaac right after God promised him, there might haven't been a miracle happened.

If Jesus directly came to Bethany right after He heard that Lazarus, whom He loved was sick and didn't stay in the place where He was, possibly we would never heard the story about the dead being raised. Wasn't it a miracle also?

When God seems to procrastinate doing His mighty work, or answering our prayers, or helping us in the right time, I believe that He is planning the best one for us.

He works in patterns we should know. He doesn't work at random. There are 12 hours in the day and 12 hours also in the night. A year always has 12 months likewise a day has 24 hours. There always be patterns surrounds us.

I realize indeed that God has always wait until I have been exhausted and powerless before helping me. But it wouldn't always be so forever. There are moments also in my life when He works sooo fast. Yeah, His timing is different with my timing.

If God has different pattern for each of us, which way works best in your life?

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