Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Work of God

God takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things through them because of their devotion to Him. A look at the 12 men Jesus chooses to be His disciples does not reveal a "Who's Who" in Judea. Rather, the men seem to be unknown and undistinguished.

The work of God does not depend on talent or intelligence. Different people have different strengths, but God uses all of us to accomplish His purposes. The body of Christ is made up of many parts -- some highly visible, some hidden, all useful. God makes the most of the talents and spiritual gifts He has given each of us.

This is an insight from crosswalk.com.

I absolutely agree. Sometime we think that we can't do any useful or meaningful works for The Kingdom of God. In fact, the work of God doesn't depend on our talents or intelligences. Each of us has special purpose, tasks and destiny to fulfill. We are different, but we do have one purpose in God : glorifying His Name through our lives.

I learn not to worry about who I am anymore. Yes, am still discovering myself. Am still finding who I am in Him. I also still need to know about many important things in my journey, but I learn to surrender my life to Him. Have been soo tired to count on myself and lean on my own understanding. I still haven't seen my future clearly yet, but it makes me keep hoping. And my hope in Christ won't be disappointing. All I need is just patience. Waiting for His perfect time to reveal all the best He has in store for me.

I always thought that talents, intelligence, and ability matter. I have so many regrets and disappointment buried in my heart. I tended to blame, complain, and critique anything happened to me. I'd never seen it as a God's process in my life. (Oh, how embarrassing has my life been! :)). So I thank The Lord that He has been patient and kind to me. He sent me a puppy. He surrounds me with lovely things I can enjoy. He blesses me with talents and abilities I supposed to use for His glory. He fulfills me with precious info, news, knowledge and promises He knows will be needed for my days ahead of me.

I thank God for being my Lord. In my days ahead of me, I'll do my best and let Him do the rest. I know I am basically just ordinary, but I know that He, Who abides in me is Extraordinary and Almighty, so I can cast all my cares upon Him, and He'll reveal His purpose and intention in creating me as His masterpiece..


Nicky Abram said...

Hi Kristine, I really enjoyed your post. I feel exactly the same way. Have a blessed week-end. Nicky

jeanne kristine said...

thank you..
let's share our life's journey then:)