Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Deliverance From The Black Hole

To be honest, these few last months I've been feeling like being in a black hole, a place seems that I can do nothing about my circumstance, with any kind of problems that got me think that there's no way out. Oh, almost feel such as living in the hell!!!

But, after discovering more about my journey, and deepen my relationship with God, I've changed my world. I kept learning about many things I haven't known yet about the special purpose of my life. Glory and praise be unto God, He leads me to a new perspective. I'm sure now that I won't just be survived, but I want my life to give big contributions to other's lives. Probably my black hole experience does intend to influence and change any other people in my life. Have no idea yet about what this journey is, but I know that God has a special purpose He wants to accomplish in me, so I give Him the whole space of my life in order to be blessing and glory for His Name.

When I was checking my email, suddenly a devotional I used to received from Prime Time with God caught my attention. Oh, this insight was so inspiring, encouraging and strengthening my faith to be built in Christ. I know that He doesn't do anything randomly, but He does anything anyway to make a great accomplishment in those whoever willingly want to be vessels He can use...

Here's the insight...

"As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Joshua 1:5b).

A black hole is a place of total nothingness. It's a time in our life when God removes the resources and supports that we normally rely on to feel secure - our careers, finances, friends, family, health and so forth. It is a preparation time.

When you find yourself in a black hole experience, don't just sit and brood. Take stock of your life. Take a look at your relationship with God.

First, ask God if there are any sins, habits, or attitudes that He might be judging in your life. It's important to discern whether the trial we face is the result of God's discipline for our sin?or if it is preparing us for a future leadership role.

Second, when you enter a black hole, don't trust your feelings. Trust God. Your feelings will tell you, "God has rejected you. Abandon hope. He has left you utterly alone." Feelings change; God never changes. Feelings come and go; God is always with us.

Third, remember that your black hole experience is not only intended to refine and define you; it's also intended to influence and change the lives of hundreds or even thousands of other people. Our adversity is not just for us, but others in our sphere of influence.

Fourth, don't try to hurry the black hole process along. Remember, when Joseph was in the depths of the pit, there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't climb out, jump out, levitate out, or talk his way out. All he could do was pray and wait upon the Lord.

Fifth, lean on God. Even when you don't feel like praying, pray. Even when you don't feel like reading His Word, read. Even when you don't feel like singing songs of faith, sing. When you pray, don't just talk; listen. Be silent before Him and listen for His still, quiet voice.

Sixth, be alert to new truths and new perspectives. During a black hole experience, God often leads us to amazing new discoveries. A black hole can be a storehouse of unexpected riches for the soul.

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