Wednesday, July 02, 2008

My New Template!

I'm changing my template. Now it looks so fresh, beautiful and hmmm.. lovely!
What do you say? :)
Just confused about my old one. I always viewed it as 3 columns template, but when I opened my blog from my new notebook, I found it definitely was just 2 columns there. The third column (the right side one) was below the main side and, oh my.. it wasn't as beautiful as what I've always seen before.. Ough!
The most surprising was when my friend told me that she always viewed my template like that one (Just 2 column like what I lately viewed). Oh, really? How could it be like that?
Hope you like my new template as I do :).

Blessings to you!


Sue said...

Yes, I like it! It's gorgeous. I love the colours.

Parinita said...

Your template looks fabulous. Extremely cute :)