Saturday, May 03, 2008

Do You Still Have Patience?

This was a free devotional I got from, but it's so inspiring, so I want to share it with you here..

May 2, 2008 - The Rewards of Patience -- Hebrews 6:13-15

Welcome to the In Touch Devotional. Patience is a hard lesson for us to learn. We don't like patience. We don't have time for patience! Life is fast, time's running out, and we've got to get this show on the road, right?

This is clearly how most of us act, even if we don't express it. Perhaps that's why Scripture includes so many examples of godly patience and reward. Over and over, we see the Father making promises to His children, only to have them wait years, sometimes decades, for the promise to be fulfilled. But the result of that patience is always blessing.

Consider Abraham. At age 75, he was given God's promise of a son. 10 years later, he was still waiting. Fifteen years passed, then 20, and still no son. Finally, when Abraham was 100, a quarter-century after God had made the promise, baby Isaac was born. Surely Abraham had times of doubt during those 25 years. Yet he continued to trust God and kept watching for the fulfillment of His promise.

There are plenty of other examples. As a young man, Jacob met the girl of his dreams, but he worked many years before making her his bride. Joseph had a God-given vision of blessing at age 17 but languished 13 years in slavery and prison before receiving the reward. David was anointed King of Israel as a teenager but spent the next 14 years or so running for his life before taking the throne.

Shortcuts never lead to where God wants us to be. The long road, however, is filled with faithful servants. Are you waiting on the Lord today? Be encouraged. You're in good company.

If you want to get free devotional like mine above, you can click here or here.

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