Monday, March 08, 2010

We've Got Twin! Can You Believe It??

Hmpff.. finally I can be here again!
Yeahh.. this pregnancy stuff makes me a little bit lazy in doing almost anything! So if I had nothing so important to do, I'd prefer to get some sleep! :)

At first, I often felt confused about my health. I've been easily feeling tired and it seems to feel like I need sleep for thousand hours! Because this is my first pregnancy, I took it for granted, just before I knew the fact that I've been conceiving twin! Can you believe it? Twin! Wheww..

You know what, happiness is definitely contagious. No, it's not me that spread the happiness, but the twin do. Everyone that hears this twin stuff always says that I am blessed and I must be very, very happy. Oh, don't be so fast. If you know me in person, you'll know that I am just a 'flat' person, never be too enthusiast about anything, including this pregnancy thing. But the happiness, the screams I've heard, the surprise expressions on ones' faces I've seen (when they hear about the twin stuff), those things had brightened my days. They brought me special joys and happiness. Although I can't imagine how busy we'll be about this twin's business if they are born, I try to enjoy every minute of my time. Yes, as ones always say 'This is a double portion blessing. You should be enjoying your blessing'. Oh yes, I will.. :)

I just recall the day I prayed that God may open me the doors that had been being closed for a little while. The doors of opportunities, the doors of blessings, the doors of multiplying, the doors of any other things I've even never heard and thought or imagined about, and yeah, I think He's doing something wonderful for me right now. (I've never imagined about the twin also!). I just have to know that His timing is different with mine. Maybe I have to wait for a little while before He shows up, but I know it will be worth it. Oh.. what a journey I have with Him.

I pray that God from whom all blessings flow will always grant you with all the best blessings from heaven, as He blesses me (and even more!). And may He encourages you to keep your faith in Him. Cause I know, His mercy endures forever. As the Psalmist says
'I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from?
My help come from The LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth'
Psalms 121:1,2 NIV


Sue said...

You're having twins???? OH MY HOW FANTASTIC!!! Double blessing!!!

jeanne kristine said...

yes, Sue.. thank you..
I could even never imagined that will be happening!:)