Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Searching for Purpose and Significance

I've just read an inspiring post about Teenagers Searching for Purpose and Significance.

In some cases, many people haven't found their purpose in life yet. I always think about this issue. Why do for some people, life is always be bored, and not for others. Why do one have different perspective? I think, it's just because they have found their purpose in life while some haven't. And searching for life's purpose should be started from teens, because at that time they still have much times to spend (to study, to contemplate, to plan their life etc), they don't have to responsible for anything important enough in life. Yeah, it's just my understanding..

This is why I want to spread all around the world my motto Find Yourself, especially for teens. Cause I, myself, had ever walked through my life without nobody teaching me something about discovering my dream and purpose in life. And for years, my life seemed to passed in vain. After discovering who I really am, I could understand what I -should- live for..

If you're interesting to this topic, please keep reading..

You need to take some time each day to reassure teens that God does have a purpose for them and that He wants to use them in some incredible ways. Here are some ideas that you can take and start using with your kids today:

1) Have your child create a collage by using magazine pictures. Have them answer the following question through pictures-Who am I? This will give you LOTS of insight as to who they think they are.

2) Talk to them about what they like to do in their free time.

3) Talk to them about their favorite subjects in school and have them explain why those are their favorite subjects

4) Talk to them about their hopes and goals for the future

5) Take some time to help them explore colleges and the requirements that those colleges have

6) Take some time to help them explore careers that they have thought about pursuing

7) Set up an appointment where they will have the opportunity to meet and talk with someone who is working within the career they are thinking about pursuing

The goal is to get your child thinking about all of this before their high school graduation day. If you do this, not only will it save you tons of money (no changing majors multiple times thus extending their college years), but you will have a child who will hold their head up high knowing who they are and that they were created with a specific purpose that God wants to work within them!

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